Are you ready? Google will use mobile-first in its search results!

Are you ready? Google will use mobile-first in its search results!

Friday, June 30, 2017

Since its beginning, Google would use a website's desktop version and present that in its search results. Up until recently, most websites were visited using desktop computers, but now, mobile devices are the norm. Knowing that, Google decided that they'll start prioritizing the mobile version of your website.

There are 2 types of websites that need to be alarmed:

  1. Those who don't have a mobile or responsive website (if that's the case, all your comptetitors will be positioned in front of you)
  2. Those who use a different URL and different content on mobile and desktop (so any responsive website is safe)

Our customers shouldn't be affected since the vast majority have responsive websites. 

The websites that are the most at risk of seeing a drastic drop in their search engine positioning are those who use two distinct URLs. For example, sites that use for their mobile version and for their desktop will need to make sure that all their content is available on both sites if they want to make sure they keep their position in Google's search results.

Although Google has announced this change in 2016, they decided to postpone it in 2018. That being said, you need to act fast if you don't want to lose potential customers because of this future update. So starting now, think mobile first...